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什么是Active Directory报告?

有效的Active Directory报告让您可以深入了解环境

Active Directory报告是帮助您深入了解AD环境的必要工具,而深入了解AD环境对实现有效的AD管理、强大的安全性和合规性以及高效的迁移与整合至关重要。此页深入探讨在这三个领域中的每一个领域到底需要哪种类型的Active Directory报告,以及所有这些领域需要哪些更广泛的功能。

Active Directory管理报告

Active Directory管理报告

妥善的Active Directory管理需要密切关注您的AD用户和组,包括向每个用户和组授予了哪些权限,以便您严格执行最低权限原则。您还需要拥有清晰的Active Directory报告,以根据上次登录时间等属性识别非活动用户和计算机帐户,从而对其进行清理,避免其被滥用。此外,您需要跟踪密码即将过期的用户帐户,并找出密码从不过期的任何帐户,因为这些帐户面临日益增加的被入侵和被滥用风险。而且,您需要了解组策略设置并且要能够轻松查看其随时间发生的变化。

更广泛地说,您需要能够监控域控制器的配置以及在域控制器之间复制数据的情况。否则,用户很可能会在登录或访问他们执行工作所需的资源时遇到问题。虽然您可以使用原生工具和Windows PowerShell脚本将数据导出到Excel电子表格来获取所需的一些信息,但在AD管理上所花费的时间将远远超过所需时间,而且仍无法获取真正进行有效AD管理所需的所有可行洞见。

您需要一个报告工具来提供有关Active Directory用户、组和组成员资格、角色、组织单位(OU)和权限的深入的开箱即用报告。此类工具将帮助您前瞻性管理您的环境。Enterprise Reporter for Active Directory提供自动发现和报告Active Directory配置的功能,并可通过保存配置数据和提供详细的更改历史记录报告来促进历史分析与合规性报告。


Active Directory安全性与合规性报告

Active Directory安全性与合规性报告

维护AD安全性和证明法规合规性是非常复杂的任务。费力处理加密的本机日志和手动拼凑信息不仅需要花费大量时间和精力,而且极易出错 — 您可能错过关键事件,无法获得所需的广泛视角。因此,您需要易于阅读的集中式Active Directory报告Active Directory变更报告

Enterprise Reporter for Active Directory使您可以轻松监控IT环境中人们的操作,而且集成式IT安全搜索支持快速事件响应和取证分析。您可以在报告中包含用户权限、用户活动、事件趋势、可疑模式等,并提供丰富的可视化内容和事件时间表。

Change Auditor for Active Directory可以实时跟踪用户活动和审核Active Directory更改,向您发出有关重要更改的警报以便您快速响应,并且提供包含所有关键详细信息且易于理解的报告。借助数百份针对GDPR、HIPAA、PCI DSS、SOX、FISMA、GLBA及其他要求预构建的自定义报告,您将可以随时进行审核。此外,借助InTrust,您可以通过高压缩比压缩归档多年的事件日志数据,以满足严苛的数据保留要求。

Active Directory迁移、整合与重组报告

Active Directory迁移、整合与重组报告


Enterprise Reporter for Active Directory可通过如下方式助力迁移前分析:明确用户和组依赖关系;发现适合进行清理的未使用帐户和无成员的组;以及发现匹配冲突,否则冲突会扰乱迁移过程。

如需获取有关迁移前规划和迁移本身的帮助,请查看Migration Manager for Active Directory。它将帮助您制定全面的迁移计划,还提供一个稳健的项目管理界面用于监控和报告迁移进程,从而让您可以快速应对问题并使利益相关者及时了解最新情况。

我可以从何处详细了解Active Directory?

我可以从何处详细了解Active Directory?

Active Directory对于各种现代企业都至关重要。查看这些附加实用页面,以了解Active Directory关键领域的最佳做法:


Top Seven Reports for Supporting a Growing Virtual Workforce
Top Seven Reports for Supporting a Growing Virtual Workforce
Top Seven Reports for Supporting a Growing Virtual Workforce
IT environments are more dynamic than ever, and having more users working from home introduces new vulnerabilities. You undoubtedly want to take full advantage of the tools you already have to strengthen Office 365 security and compliance — but you probably just don’t have the time to go
Improve Your Security Posture with Enterprise Reporter for Active Directory
Improve Your Security Posture with Enterprise Reporter for Active Directory
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Enterprise Reporter can help you improve your security posture. This tech brief describes the top 10 AD security reports you should run on a regular basis to reduce your attack surface and thwart attackers.
5 Ways to Improve Hybrid Active Directory Auditing
5 Ways to Improve Hybrid Active Directory Auditing
5 Ways to Improve Hybrid Active Directory Auditing
Watch this on-demand webcast and explore five (and maybe more) ways to improve Hybrid AD and Azure AD auditing using the latest features released in Change Auditor and On Demand Audit.
Enhancing Active Directory Security and Lateral Movement Security
Enhancing Active Directory Security and Lateral Movement Security
Enhancing Active Directory Security and Lateral Movement Security
Limit lateral movement by attackers inside your network with these best practices and Quest solutions.
Nine Best Practices to Improve Active Directory Security and Cyber Resilience
Nine Best Practices to Improve Active Directory Security and Cyber Resilience
Nine Best Practices to Improve Active Directory Security and Cyber Resilience
This ebook explores the anatomy of an AD insider threat and details the best defense strategies against it.


TEC TALK - Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Security | Quest
TEC TALK - Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Security | Quest


TEC TALK - Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Security | Quest

Learn how to prioritize Office 365 & Azure AD security for your remote workforce in this TEC Talk presented by Microsoft Certified Master, Sean Metcalf.

TEC Talk: Hardening Privileged Access
TEC Talk: Hardening Privileged Access


TEC Talk: Hardening Privileged Access
Learn steps you can take to secure privileged Active Directory access.
Current state of AD security
Current state of AD security


Current state of AD security
Join Sean Metcalf, Microsoft Certified Master, as he discusses what organizations are seeing and missing when it comes to Active Directory security.
Recovering from an AD security breach or disaster
Recovering from an AD security breach or disaster


Recovering from an AD security breach or disaster
Join experts Sean Metcalf and Brian Desmond as they discuss the best practices for quickly dealing with and recovering from AD security breaches.
Common AD security pitfalls
Common AD security pitfalls


Common AD security pitfalls
Join Sean Metcalf, Microsoft Certified Master, as he discusses the most common mistakes organizations make when it comes to Active Directory security.
Is your AD environment safe from the dark side?
Is your AD environment safe from the dark side?


Is your AD environment safe from the dark side?
See how Quest Software and One Identity can protect your organization from Hank the Hacker and other forces poised to steal AD-controlled credentials and your valuable data.
Prepare for destructive AD cyber-attacks
Prepare for destructive AD cyber-attacks


Prepare for destructive AD cyber-attacks
Learn how you can prepare for – and recover from – a destructive attack on your Active Directory.
How to reduce AD security risks and insider threats
How to reduce AD security risks and insider threats


How to reduce AD security risks and insider threats

Hank the Hacker is back and he's ready to attack your Active Directory (AD) environment, whether on-premises or in the cloud. Worse yet, this time he brought friends. With Disgruntled Dan and Careless Craig, he has even more leverage to take control. That's why it's so important to get protected.

Read this informative e-book, Nine Best Practices for AD Security, and discover what you can do to protect your environment from insider threats. Explore:

  • Why attackers target AD and how the growing popularity of Office 365 increases the threat
  • What an AD security breach means to the organization
  • Why it is difficult to secure Active Directory using native auditing alone
  • How a typical insider threat unfolds and how to identify common insider threat indicators
  • How following nine critical security best practices will help you minimize the risk of the internal threats to the availability, confidentiality and integrity of your AD



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Active Directory forest is a critical — but often underappreciated — element of the IT infrastructure. Learn what it is and how to manage it.

Active Directory disaster recovery: Creating an airtight strategy

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