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What is Quest Change Auditor and how does it compare to and complement Microsoft ATP and third-party SIEM solutions?

What is Quest Change Auditor and how does it compare to and complement Microsoft ATP and third-party SIEM solutions? 14:10
Hear Quest product experts, Ghazwan Khairi, Bryan Patton and Robert Tovar discuss the real-time security and IT auditing of Change Auditor and how it compares to and integrates with SIEM solutions and Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection.

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Change Auditor for Active Directory



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Change Auditor for Windows File Servers
Change Auditor for Windows File Servers

追蹤、稽核所有 Windows 檔案伺服器即時系統變更並接收相關報告


Change Auditor for Active Directory Queries
Change Auditor for Active Directory Queries

追蹤、稽核所有 Windows 檔案伺服器即時系統變更並接收相關報告


Change Auditor for SQL Server
Change Auditor for SQL Server

实时高效地跟踪、审核、报告Microsoft SQL Server的变更,并发出相应警报


Change Auditor for NetApp
Change Auditor for NetApp

在您的NetApp NAS设备上,审核与文件活动和权限相关的所有事件。


Change Auditor for EMC
Change Auditor for EMC

在您的EMC NAS设备上,审核与文件活动和权限相关的所有事件。


Change Auditor for SharePoint
Change Auditor for SharePoint

实现更快、更方便、更安全的Microsoft SharePoint审核
