
Matrix Metals uses Quest On Demand Migration to manage its Office 365 migrations

10 out of 10 rating for On Demand Migration. Ease of use and straightforward approach.

IT Manager, Matrix Metals

Matrix Metals, a leading global supplier of finished steel cast components for the oil/gas, construction and mining, transportation and military sectors uses Quest On Demand Migration for tenant migrations over Microsoft native tools and BitTitan.

Read this short case study to learn about the challenges the company was facing, the use cases they needed to solve for and the end result of using On Demand Migration for migrating their Office 365 workloads including Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams.



On Demand Migration
On Demand Migration

SaaSベースのOffice 365における、ユーザ、グループ、メールボックス、ディレクトリのテナント間移行


On Demand Recovery
On Demand Recovery

Azure ADおよびOffice 365の高速でセキュアなバックアップとリカバリのためのSaaSソリューション。


On Demand Audit
On Demand Audit

