At Quest, we make a commitment every day to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in our relationships with our customers, employees and vendors. As all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect, Quest considers that modern slavery and human trafficking are abhorrent crimes that inflict unacceptable harm on vulnerable adults and children. We support the principles of the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 (MSA), and we confirm that we are in compliance with the MSA and all related laws wherever we do business.
Our Code of Conduct and Policies
Our reputation and our success depend upon the honesty, integrity and respect brought to the job by every person associated with Quest. It is therefore essential that employees, contractors and anyone who purports to act on Quest’s behalf in any fashion understand, adhere and comply with all laws and regulatory requirements in every country where Quest operates. We require strict compliance with all policies, and ethical principles relating to anti-slavery standards, and we include those principles in the foundation of our company culture.
In our Code of Conduct, Quest is committed to respecting and promoting human rights by
- Providing a working environment where employees are fairly treated and feel safe, where diversity and cultural differences are respected and embraced,
- Ensuring that all employees and others working on Quest’s behalf are doing so under their own free will and are being compensated fairly for their efforts in accordance with applicable laws;
- Prohibiting any human rights abuse in the form of slavery, corporal punishment or child labor,,
- Prohibiting any discrimination against anyone - employees, customers, business partners or other stakeholders - on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, disability, HIV status, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, past or present military service or any other status protected by the laws or regulations and the company’s ethical principles,
- Selecting business partners carefully making sure they share our values and high standards for legal and ethical business practices,
- Encouraging people to speak up when confronted with illegal or unethical behaviors and prohibiting and acting against any retaliation or attempt at retaliation in response .
To supplement the general guidance of the Code, Quest has adopted the following specific policies and standards that apply globally::
- The Quest Anti-corruption Policy whose purpose is to establish parameters for behavior and performance for Quest and every Quest employee..
- The Quest Non-Retaliation Policy which aims to encourage people to speak up for what is right, report potential wrongdoing, and take responsibility of action if to speak up when improper activities are suspected at Quest; and
- The Quest Health and Safety Program whose purpose is to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and our business and to improve the sustainability and safety of Quest's overall environmental footprint.
All Quest employees must be familiarized with Quest’s Code of Conduct, policies and standards. In that regard, a mandatory ethics and compliance training is provided to all employees annually. In addition, employees are encouraged to talk to their managers, or to contact Human Resources or the Legal Department if they have questions or need support..
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Quest’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st of January 2022..
This statement applies to Quest Software Inc., Quest Software International Limited, One Identity LLC, and One Identity Software International DAC..
Signed on February 14th, 2022.