is it possible to download patches to the free 7.1 ova ?
download page seems to require a licens
Regards Patrik
is it possible to download patches to the free 7.1 ova ?
download page seems to require a licens
Regards Patrik
In part one of the Quest® QoreStor® data protection MSP blog series, we discussed storing your customers’ growing data profitably. In part two, we’ll cover how you can create new services from long-term storage.
Data retention for…
Ransomware attacks are growing and are becoming more prevalent every year. Per the Washington Post, Ransomware payments spiked a whopping 70% last year alone, and the victims paid more than $600 million in 2021.
“This $600 million, while extremely large…
Hello everyone,
System design.
Esxi 6.7 environment to be backup with almost 200 servers
A dozen physical servers
A flash array (vmware data stored for servers)
Fabric switches zones- with dedicated HBa cards on each esxi server- esxi servers connected…
Hi. Just asking here. I'm currently doing some assessment and plan to do sizing for propose qorestor. I have all the customer backup data but i dont know how to use the qorestor sizing tools to populate all the data. Anyone can guide me?
I hv installed qorestor ready VM from pacakge on Hyper-V for a demo.
Did followed all startup activities.
Was able to see UI login page from external browser with ip:5233
qsadmin credentials are not working here.
Instead admin user able to login. But…
Why Qorestor ISCSI VTL
It is a carrier protocol for SCSI. SCSI commands are sent over IP networks by using iSCSI. It also facilitates data transfers over intranets and to manage storage over long distances. iSCSI can be used to transmit data over LANs…
QoreStor 6.0 recently won the 2020 ABA / Stevie’s People’s Choice Award as the Favorite New Product in the ‘Cloud Storage / Backup’ category. There is only one People’s Choice…
Your bank and your cloud storage provider have a similar business model: They’re both happy to hold onto your assets. But the more often you access those assets, the more they charge you.
You can put money into a checking account, although you’ll…
“Working on our long-term storage strategy is the best part of my job.”
“Our cloud-connected storage costs next to nothing and I never have to think about it.”
“Our tape library is my best friend.”
Said no IT administrator…
We are thrilled to announce the release of QoreStor 6.0! This release includes enhancements to deliver even more value to you and your customers and make it more competitive for you to win more deals.
It’s still the same QoreStor we all know and love…
With exponential data growth, you’re probably dealing with slower backups and out of control storage costs. Everyone’s going through this, regardless of the data protection solutions they are using.
If you happen to be using Veeam Backup…
QoreStor 5.1.0の仮想環境用のテンプレートをリリースしました。
VMwareESXi 6.5/6.7とHyper-V2012R2/2016の仮想環境に簡単にQoreStorを構築可能になります。
Tier 1 | Tier 2 | |
ESXi用 | qorestor-tier1-hwxx-5.x.x.xxx.ova | qorestor-tier2-hwxx-5.x.x… |
The Quest Data Protection Business Unit wants to make it even easier for our Partners to uncover new business
Whether you focus on growing your data protection business farming existing customers or hunting for new customers, Quest Data Protection is…
QoreStor gets even better! Now our QoreStor QoreStor 5.1 enhancements include: Multi Volume Expansion – Allow users to specify more than… |
Qorestor 5.1.0がリリースされました!
QoreStorは、実績のあるDR Series Applianceの重複排除およびレプリケーションテクノロジに基づくソフトウェア定義セカンダリストレージプラットフォームです。
QoreStorは、バックアップアプライアンスではなくソフトウェアで提供され、オンプレミスとクラウドに配置することができ、現在使用されている主要なバックアップソフトウェアアプリケーションをすべてサポートしており、特許取得済みのRDA(Rapid Data…
I found out today that the editors of TechTarget’s Storage Magazine and SearchStorage.com have selected the finalists of the annual Products of the Year Awards for 2018, and Quest® QoreStor has been recognized as a finalist in the Data Backup…
I found out today that the editors of TechTarget’s Storage Magazine and SearchStorage.com have selected the finalists of the annual Products of the Year Awards for 2018, and Quest® QoreStor has been recognized as a finalist in the Data Backup…
QoreStorはライセンス無しで1TBまで無償で永久に使用できるCommunity Editionとして使用することができます。
ただし、サポートはQuest QoreStor Community(https://www.quest.com/community/quest/qorestor/ 英語のみ)で行われます。
>>Community Edition利用のステップ
(1) | QoreStorのトライアル版をダウンロードします https://www.quest.com/register… |
Alors que les entreprises commencent leur voyage vers le centre de données défini par logiciel de demain, chaque composant…
Testing shows that Quest QoreStor accelerates Veeam Backup by more than 300% and reduces on-premises and cloud backup storage requirements by more than 60% over what Veeam dedupe alone delivers.
If you sell Veeam Backup & Replication along with Quest solutions…
Certification KB Link: https://www.veeam.com/kb2833 |
Quest QoreStorでVeeamのバックアップをブーストします!
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