Rapid Recovery 的特色
運用 Rapid Recovery 軟體保護您的 SQL Server 環境,您將可確保備份完整復原,且無須進行耗時的手動備份測試。 Rapid Recovery 中的 Verified Recovery 功能會自動測試所有 SQL Server 備份,即使您一天備份多次亦是如此。
Live Recovery 功能可在服務中斷後短短 15 分鐘內重新上線運作,並依需求還原使用者要求的資料,此時完整的還原作業會在背景中繼續進行,以確保使用者的應用程式體驗完全不受影響。
位於虛擬機器上的 Microsoft SQL 資料庫可讓您享有無代理程式的備份和復原。
This video provides an overview of the dashboard in Rapid Recovery. The new dashboard in Rapid Recovery is customizable and provides easy drag-and-drop features with clickable links to action items.
Learn more about Rapid Recovery and how it will optimize your users’ application experience and simplify backup and recovery. Whether it's backing up MS Exchange Server, virtual machine backups, cloud data protection, SQL Server backups or physical server backups, Rapid Recovery provides the data protection you can rely on.
In this short video, see how powerful, easy to use and flexible Rapid Recovery is – and how it keeps your critical data safe.
With Rapid Recovery Data Protection the backups or recovery points are compressed and deduplicated reducing storage consumption by up to 60-80% depending on data types. We support Windows, Physical Windows, and Physical Linux machines, as well as virtual machines.
This on-demand webcast shows you how you shield your organization from ransomware attacks and how to react if it has already infiltrated your system.